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Food Supplies

Volume 104: debated on Thursday 11 April 1918

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Imports From France

1 and 2.

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1) the total imports of live and dead meat into France during their last complete fiscal year before the War and during their last complete fiscal year; (2) the total imports of wheat and wheat flour into France during their last complete fiscal year before the War and during their last complete fiscal year?

I am afraid I cannot give the lion. Member the figures of the importation into France during 1917 of wheat, wheat flour, live and dead meat, as these have only been furnished to His Majesty's Government for Departmental use and not for publication. I am informed that the figures for 1913 were:—

Tons of 1,000 kilos.
Wheat Flour21,241

Tillage Land (Ireland)


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been called to the shortage of food supply as affecting Great Britain and Ireland; whether an urgent call has been issued by the food Controller for the cultivation of more hind to produce potatoes; whether thousands of acres of grass lands are available in county Clare, and whether he proposes to allow the tenants to cultivate it?

The reply to the first and second paragraphs of the question is in the affirmative. As regards the latter part of the question, I cannot add anything to the replies given to the hon. Member's questions on the 11th and 14th March, except to say that I am not aware of any holding in Clare where the Tillage Orders are not either voluntarily being observed or in course of compulsory enforcement.

Has not the situation become more serious than when those answers were given, and if it can be shown that there are thousands of acres in Clare capable of cultivation to increase the food supplies, will the right hon. Gentleman open them to the tenants?

I cannot, in the position which I hold, at present take any course contrary to law. There is not a plot of land in Ireland in which somebody has not a right, and there is not a man in Ireland who has legal rights in land who is not ready to defend them to any length.

Will not the right hon. Gentleman advise that the law should be altered so as to make such untenanted grazing land available for tillage purposes?


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant for Ireland whether he has received resolutions from the All-Ireland Convention of Irish Plot holders asking for a grant of £ 2 per act to local authorities for the purpose of providing tool houses, etc., similar to the grant to English authorities and for fix it; of tenure to plot holders up to the period of 1920 in Ireland, and, if not, for amendment of the Clause so as to give the same facilities to the plot holders of Ireland one placing them on the same basis as the plot holders of England, Scotland, and Wales whether he can state what the Government propose to do so as to place Irish Plot holders in the same position as those in Great Britain; and whether he will like wise introduce a Bill giving similar fixity of tenure for Irish plotholders?

The resolution referred to in the question does not appear to have been received. I have no information as to the conditions governing the Grant of £ 2 per acre under the Cultivation of Lands Order of the English Board of Agriculture, but the hon. Member knows that the conditions of agriculture in England and in Ireland are not similar. As to the last part of the question, I would refer to the replies to questions by the hon. Member on the 6th August and 18th October.

Food Depots (Ireland)


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if his attention has been drawn to the threatened closing down of the food departments in Ireland for the want of funds; and if he will state what steps, if any, he intends to take to avert that disaster?

I have not heard of the closing down of any food department in Ireland for want of funds or otherwise. If the hon. Member sends me particulars I will have inquiry made.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the attention of his Department has been drawn to this case during the last six weeks, and that two food depots in Dublin are about to be closed down for want of funds to carry on?

I had no idea that the hon. Member was referring to some charitable undertakings.

Arising out of the answer to the question, cannot the controlled price be withdrawn, so that the seller may make his own prices, seeing that there is plenty of food supplies?

I myself, from personal observation, have seen the result of persons making their own prices, and I know that the magistrates of Dublin found it necessary to inflict very heavy penalties upon people who made oppressive charges.

Beet Sugar And Potato Spirit (Ireland)


asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) whether any measures have been taken to forward the manufacture of beet sugar and of potato spirit in Ireland?

Director Of Food Production


asked the Prime Minister if he would state the name and qualifications of the new Director of the Food Production Department?

I think the hon. Member is under a misapprehension. The Director-General of Food Production is still the hon. and gallant Member for the Fareham Division, who has filled the position since its creation about a year ago.

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether any recent appointments in this Department have taken place among the higher officials?