asked the. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been called to a full-page official advertisement of War Bonds in the "Daily Mail" newspaper of 1st April, 1918, issued by the National War Savings Committee, which contains a prominently-displayed and illustrated statement decrying a form of thrift long advocated and encouraged among working classes by trade unions and friendly and other societies, namely, the purchase of dwelling-houses; whether the Government accepts the sentiments expressed in and the accuracy of the statement in this advertisement; and, if not, whether he proposes to take any steps to prevent public money being used in this way contrary to the best interests of the country?
I have seen the advertisement. The purchase of house property is only one of a number of examples used to illustrate its meaning, and I do not think that it could be taken to reflect upon the work of trade unions and other organisations, as suggested by the light lion. Gentleman. The National War Savings Committee inform me, however, that in order to avoid any possible misunderstanding the advertisement has born withdrawn.