asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is in a position to state, approximately, what pecuniary and other assistance will be given to enable and hasten housing operations in Ireland; and whether he will introduce a Bill to cheapen, simplify, and lessen the present expensive, complicated, and tardy scheme of title transfers?
As I have already stated in reply to the hon. Member, it has been, and is, intended that Ireland shall participate in any measures submitted to Parliament for the improvement of housing conditions. It will appear also from the Report of the Irish Convention that His Majesty's Government is ready to recommend to Parliament the making of special provisions for the needs of urban localities in Ireland in connection with the measure for granting self-government to Ireland which is about to be presented to Parliament. The necessity of simplifying and cheapening procedure in connection with this subject is recognised by the Government, and will be dealt with as soon as may become practicable.
The right hon. Gentleman has referred in his reply to the Irish Convention. May I ask how soon the House will have the Report of Sir Horace Plunkett and such other Minority Reports as are available?
I have ascertained this morning that in the course of to-morrow, I hope, an abundant supply of the whole, of the documents will be available.
The whole of them?
That is, all the Reports and the Minority Reports. I think the hon. Member will find there will be a complete publication.
Can the right hon. Gentleman now state when the Report, which he promised before the Easter Recess to circulate in view of opinion in Ireland on this housing question, is likely to be ready, and when some definite action can be taken in Ireland about housing?
I did not promise to circulate the Report, but I did give information as to action which had been taken, and to which I attach very great importance. But as to the circulation of a Report with definite proposals, that is another matter.
I asked the right hon. Gentleman whether he would call a conference representing all interests on the question? The right hon. Gentleman stated he was taking an opinion on the matter, and he hoped to circulate a Report as to what had already been done by the Government Department concerned in connection with housing, and that then he would consider whether he would call this conference. I want to know what has been done?
I have not got the facts to which he refers in my mind, but now he has called attention to them I will certainly look into them.