asked the Prime Minister whether the Air Minister is responsible for the destinations, use, and objectives of aircraft and airmen, or whether the military authority is solely responsible in respect thereto?
The Air Council, after consultation with the Admiralty and War Office, allot the aircraft available to naval and military commanders according to the requirements of the forces they command. The naval or military commander is responsible for the use of aircraft thus allotted, subject to any special instructions issued by the Government from time to time. The aircraft allotted to naval and military forces are under the command of a R.A.F. officer, through whom all orders are issued.
Arising out of that, may we understand that the Air Minister has only responsibility for the output of aircraft?
No, Sir; you may not understand that at all.
Will the hon. Gentleman say whether the Air Minister is capable on his own responsibility of initiating air raids, or any attack he may see fit to do? [No answer was given.] Really, there should be some limit to the insults of Parliamentary nonentities?
And there should be some limit to the insults that are offered.
Is not a Member entitled to an answer?
If he gives proper notice.