asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether his attention has been called to a meeting 'of the Tea Buyers' Association, held at the London Commercial Sale Rooms on the 4th instant, to discuss the setting up of a tea-trade pool whereby all tea licensees would enter into an arrangement not to sell below certain agreed minimum wholesale prices cither by way of rebates, discounts, or in any other way; whether that proposed scheme has received the sanction of the Ministry of Food and the Director of Tea Supplies; and, if not, will the Ministry of Food inform the Tea Buyers Association that the setting up of a pool or ring whereby retailers of tea are deprived of trade advantages such as discounts or reduced wholesale prices is contrary to the public interest and will not receive the sanction of the Food Controller?
I am informed that some arrangement of the kind described in the question is being discussed by the. Tea Buyers Association, but no scheme has been laid before the Ministry of Food or the Director of Tea Supplies. I can assure the hon. Member that Lord Rhondda will not sanction any proposal which might adversely effect the interests of the consumer.
asked whether the rebate of l¾d. per lb. to tea dealers delivering by van or motor has been withdrawn, altered, or modified, and, if so, for what reason; and whether the suggested rebate of l¾d. for van delivery was arranged by or with the sanction of the Director of Tea Supplies?
The rebate for van delivery is allowed only in special circumstances, and is limited to actual out-of-pocket expenses not exceeding l¾d. a lb. This maximum has been reduced as from 15th April to 1d. a lb., as it is considered that this figure will prove sufficient. The rebate was granted under the authority of the Food Controller.