asked the hon. Member for Sheffield (Central Division) whether he is aware that officer prisoners of war at Stammlager, Saar-br ücken, Germany, are still, in spite of repeated protests, confined for exercise to a small courtyard; that, owing to their being refused the privilege of adequate walking exercise or the use of a recreation ground, they are becoming mentally and physically stagnant; and whether he will make representations to the general officer commanding the district with a view to persuading him to modify his opinion that the situation of the camp and the local conditions do not permit the relaxation of restrictive regulations or to remove these prisoners to an area where these restrictions will become unnecessary?
The representative of the Netherlands Legation at Berlin, who visited this camp in February, reported that the question of the inadequate facilities for exercise afforded to the officers interned there had been taken up with the general at the head of the inspection of the prisoners camps in the XXL Army Corps. Telegraphic inquiries have been made whether full facilities are now granted to these officers, and, in the event of their not having been granted, the Netherlands Minister has been requested to press for an immediate improvement in this respect. We have also requested the Netherlands Minster at Berlin to cause the camp to be visited again.