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Commission Internationale De Revitaillement

Volume 105: debated on Monday 6 May 1918

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asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that the Commission Internationale de Revitaillement has had offices in London, but as the Russian Government was connected with this commission reorganisation or rearrangement has been necessitated; whether any Russian official, representative, or citizen is still connected with this commission; if so, can the name, or names, be given; what salary, remuneration, or payment has been given since 12th March, 1917, to any Russian member, or members, of the commission; and whether he is satisfied that no funds are now being placed at the disposal of Russian agents which the present Russian Government will repudiate?

The Commission Internationale de Revitaillement has, as it has always had, its offices in London, and no general reorganisation has been necessitated by recent events in Russia. A certain proportion of the delegates of the former Russian Government and their employés, both Russian and English, have been retained to transact the necessary business connected with the liquidation and diversion of contracts. In view of the daily changes which are taking place in the number of this staff, no useful information can be given at present as to their names or remuneration. The last part of the question should be addressed to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.