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Air Council

Volume 105: debated on Monday 6 May 1918

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asked the Prime Minister whether the right hon. Baronet the Member for Blackburn has resigned his position on the Air Council; if so, what is the reason for his resignation; and who has been appointed to take his place?

The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The right hon. Baronet the Member for Blackburn, having been appointed to the Air Council by the late Secretary of State, naturally placed his resignation in the hands of the new Secretary of State, who accepted it, having decided that it is desirable to reduce the size of the Air Council. The vacancy has not been filled.

Did the hon. Baronet the Member for Blackburn hold his position on the Air Council as a Member of this House and a Privy Councillor, or as an officer holding a commission?

He was appointed by the late Secretary of State as an additional member. There is no connection either with his membership of this House or with his holding a commission.

Have others, the hon. and gallant Gentleman included, tendered their resignations for the same reason, and have they been accepted or rejected?

The hon. Baronet was an additional member appointed definitely by the Secretary of State.

Will the hon. and gallant Gentleman see that some other appointment is given to the hon. Baronet?