asked the Prime Minister if he will consider the formation of a council consisting of Admiral Lord Fisher, Admiral Lord Jellicoe, General Sir W. Robertson, and General Sir H. Trenchard for the purpose of assisting the Government in the conduct of the War?
The Government is not prepared to adopt my right hon. Friend's suggestion.
Is the Government so rich in geniuses that it can afford to dispense with the services of these eminentmen?
I do not know about the extent of its riches of that kind, but I do know that the Government must be responsible, and must be themselves the judges as to who their advisers may be.
Does not the right hon. Gentleman consider the time has now come when the War Cabinet should take into its ranks members of military and naval experience?
As I have said, the responsibility is that of the Government, and it takes, and will continue to take, expert advice which it thinks is the best available.
If the country goes down, is that any consolation to the country?
It will be the fault of the Government, and also of the House of Commons which supports it.
Mr. FABER rose—
This is not the time for debate.