asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can state precisely how many individuals, and what sections of the population, are obtaining a higher scale of food rations; whether more than one alternative scale has been set up; what extra quantities are given in each grade; how the extra rations are obtained; who decides as to the persons qualified and the amount to be distributed; and whether women or children in any circumstances are entitled to them?
I regret that I cannot state precisely how many individuals are obtaining a higher scale of food rations. Returns have been asked for from the food committees, but they have only been received as yet in a certain proportion of cases. So far as civilians are concerned, heavy manual workers obtain two extra meat coupons a week valid for the purchase of any meat other than uncooked butcher's meat. There is no differentiation of supplementary rations between different classes of heavy workers. A certain number of women are included in this class. Adole- scent boys from thirteen to eighteen obtain half this amount, while an additional meat meal is provided for persons working a specified amount of overtime at night after a full day. I have already stated how these rations are obtained. The food control committees are ordinarily the deciding authorities, but act under general instructions from the Ministry of Food. I may repeat that the present arrangements are provisional.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether sorters in the postal service are being granted supplementary food cards in certain London boroughs and denied 1o the same class of workers in other London boroughs; and will be take steps to ensure uniformity of treatment in all districts?
Only sorters in travelling post offices are entitled to supplementary rations under the instructions issued to food control committees. Inquiry will be made as to any cases in which supplementary cards have been issued to other classes of sorters in London.
Is not the hon. Gentleman aware that in some London boroughs these supplementary rations are issued to sorters and not in others; for instance, in Wandsworth they do not get them, while in Fulham they do?
I am not aware of that, as my answer indicates. I shall be glad of any information on any case.
I have given you a case.