asked the Secretary to the Treasury the total quantity of sugar on which duty was paid in the year ended 31st March, 1918; and what this works out in pounds weight per head of the population?
The quantity of sugar, refined and unrefined, retained for home consumption in the year ended 31st March, 1918, was 1,037,400 tons, representing 50 lbs. per head. If the sugar contained in imported composite goods is included, the total is 1,068,400 tons, representing 52 lbs. per head. Molasses, glucose, and saccharine are not included in the foregoing figures.
Will that include sugar supplied to the Army in France and importations of every kind?
The question asked the quantity on which duty was paid and the amount per head in weight. The answer is as I have given it. If the right hon. Gentleman wants any further information, if he will put down a question I shall be very pleased to answer it.