asked the Minister of National Service whether, with reference to the proposed extension of the hours of duty of special constables, and having regard to the fact that hardships already exist, both to employers and employés, where men working at high pressure have to perform these duties in the national interests, he will give instructions to tribunals when dealing with future exemptions to modify, or remove altogether, the imposition of such duties in cases where the persons concerned are engaged in work of national importance; whether it is intended to draft into the special constabulary men in lower medical categories as well as those exempted by tribunals, also Civil servants and W Reserve men; and whether, in the event of illness or disablement resulting from service with the special constabulary, the Government will be prepared to make adequate compensation?
With regard to the first part of the question, the tribunals decide as to the reasonableness of the conditions which they attach to certificates of exemption in individual cases, and any instructions to tribunals on the subject would be prepared and issued by my right hon. Friend the President of the Local Government Board.
As to the second part of the question, men exempted by tribunals will not as a body be drafted into the special constabulary, but enrolment as a special constable may be the condition attached at the discretion of the tribunal to the exemption of any individual. It is not intended to draft into the special constabulary Civil servants and W Reserve men. The point raised in the last part of the question should be referred to my right hon. Friend the Homo Secretary.