asked the Prime Minister why no opportunity was afforded to the House to discuss the increases in the Pensions Warrant before it was issued?
I would refer the hon. Member to my replies to him on the 13th March, from which he will see that no promise was given that there would be such a discussion before the issue of the Warrant.
Why did the Government issue a new warrant which affects the interests of all our constituents without giving the House of Commons an opportunity, which has always been given on the issue of these warrants, of discussing it?
I think that is a mistake as to fact. I do not agree with the hon. Member at all. I think, in a case of this kind, the responsibility for the decision ought to be that of the Government. If the House does not agree with it an opportunity will be given for discussion.
Will there be an early date for a Vote of Credit?
I have no doubt an opportunity will be found in Supply.
Put it down for Thursday, which is an open Supply day.
The hon. Member had better speak to the Leader of the Opposition.
There is not any other Opposition.