asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what was the total amount of the Scottish raspberry crop purchased last year by the Government through Mr. T. H. Hodge, of Blairgowrie; what was the price per ton, the average rate of commission per ton paid to Mr. Hodge, and the total amount of the commission paid to him; whether that amount included commission upon raspberries of his own growing, and, if so, what was the amount of these raspberries and the commission paid upon them; and what arrangements are proposed for the present year as regards the Scottish raspberry crop?
The total quantity of Scotch raspberries purchased last year by the Government through Mr. J. M. Hodge, of Blairgowrie, was 3,533 tons 11 cwts. 1 qr. 18 lbs., and the total amount paid was £123,674. The price paid per ton was £35, the average rate of commission was £l and the total amount paid was £3,533 11s. 1d., which includes commission on raspberries of Mr. Hodge's own growing. The quantity of raspberries purchased from Mr. Hodge's firm was 1,375 tons 4 cwts. 3 qrs. 14 lbs., amounting to £48,133 10s. 7d. The commission on these amounted to £l,375 4s. 10d. No decision has yet been reached as to the arrangements for dealing with the Scotch raspberry crop of the present year.