asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the application of Mr. K. D. Nabokoff for financial assistance from the British Government was made to or through the Foreign Office, or directly or indirectly through any other Department; if any other Department was the channel of Mr. Nabokoff's application, which Department was concerned; whether he has recommended that Mr. K. D. Nabokoff's application is granted; whether Grants were made to Mr. K. D. Nabokoff for certain objects or on certain conditions; and, if so, what were those objects and/or conditions?
Mr. Nabokoff's representations have been made direct to the Foreign Office on this matter. The answer to the third part of the question is in the affirmative. With regard to the fourth and fifth parts, no conditions have been attached to these advances, nor have any specific objects been formulated.
How much was given to Mr. Nabokoff?
I should think that information can be obtained if the hon. Member will put down a question.