asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has information that the Roman Catholic hierarchy in Austria-Hungary or any member of it has described as a penal law the ordinance which compels Czechs, Croats, Serbs, and other Slav subjects of the Emperor-King Charles to fight for the safety and maintenance of the Austro-Hungarian Empire as at present constituted, though they do not nationally approve the status they hold in that empire?
I have at present no information beyond what has appeared in the Press.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, at the request of the Austrian Government and with the sanction of His Holiness the Pope, the Papal nuncio at the Court of Vienna has opened a disciplinary inquiry into the case of the Prince Archbishop of Laibach, who is accused of placing himself at the head of the Southern Slav movement?
I have seen a report to this effect in the Press, and am making inquiries about it.