House Of Commons
Monday, 6th May, 1918.
The House met at a Quarter before Three of the clock, Mr. SPEAKER in the Chair.
Private Business
Chepstow Gas Bill [ Lords],
Morecambe Corporation Bill [ Lords],
Read a second time, and committed.
Marriages Provisional Order Bill,
Read the third time, and passed.
Local Government (Ireland) Provisional Orders (No. 1) Bill (by Order).
Second Reading deferred till Thursday, at a Quarter-past Eight of the clock.
Defence Of The Realm Losses (Royal Commission)
Copy presented of Schedule to the First Report of the Royal Commission appointed to consider and report what compensation should be paid in respect of losses incurred through the exercise by the Crown of its rights and duties in the Defence of the Realm [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.
Swiss Credits
Copy presented of Treasury Minute, dated 17th April, 1918, as to arrangements with certain Banks in connection with a Swiss Credit [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.
Royal Observatory (Edinburgh)
Copy presented of the Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Astronomer Royal for Scotland [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.
Greek Loan
Account presented up to 31st December, 1917 [by Act]; to lie upon the Table.
Greek Loan Of 1898
Account presented up to 31st March, 1918 [by Act]; to lie upon the Table.
Egyptian Guaranteed Loan Of 1885
Account presented up to 31st March, 1918 [by Act]; to lie upon the Table.
Imperial Ottoman Guaranteed Loan Of 1855
Copy presented of Account for the year 1917 [by Act]; to lie upon the Table.
Imperial Revenue (Collection And Expenditure)
Return ordered, "relating to Imperial Revenue (Collection and Expenditure) (Great Britain and Ireland) for the year ending the 31st day of March, 1918 (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 133, of Session 1917–18)."—[ Mr. Lough.]
Return ordered, "showing, for the year ended the 31st day of March, 1918, (1) the amount contributed by England, Scotland, and Ireland, respectively, to the Revenue collected by the Imperial officers; (2) the Expenditure on English, Scottish, and Irish services met out of such Revenue; and (3) the balances of Revenue contributed by England, Scotland, and Ireland, respectively, which arc available for Imperial Expenditure (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 134, of Session 1917–18)."—[ Mr. Lough.]
Oral Answers To Questions
Imperial Continental Gas Association
asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in view of the fact that an English concern in Germany known as the Imperial Continental Gas Association, which had a practical monopoly of the gas supply in Berlin and its suburbs, has been taken over by the German Gas Company, Limited, he can assure the English shareholders in this concern that they will be compensated for their loss out of the German business in this country?
The question of compensating British subjects injured by the action of the German Government, out of German property in this country, depends on the decision which may ultimately be taken as to the disposal of such property as is now vested in the custodian. Meantime it is open to persons in this country to register their claims against enemy Governments with the Foreign Claims Office, and I understand that such a claim has, in fact, been registered by the Imperial Continental Gas Association.
Is the right hon. Gentleman not in a position to state that this company has, during the War, received a very large sum from Germany in respect of its properties at Frankfurt-on-Maine?
No; I am not aware of it.
Lighting, Heating, And Power Order
asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is satisfied that the rationing of coke as well as coal has had the desired effect of reducing consumption; whether he is aware that large stocks of coke are now accumulating in the yards of the gas companies owing to the fact that consumers prefer coal to coke for the ordinary purposes of fuel; and whether, in view of this fact, he can see his way to allow coke to go unrationed, providing that a certain proportion of the fuel used by the consumer for household purposes is coke rather than coal?
The whole question in regard to consumption and stocks of coke has been a subject of careful investigation, and steps are being taken to ensure that all coke produced shall be used, and corresponding economies effected throughout the country in the consumption of coal.
asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the decision to ration gas upon the present lines has resulted in an increased consumption of coal; whether it is more economical for the nation as a whole that gas rather than coal should be used for ordinary heating purposes; and, if so, whether the decision to ration can be subject to some reconsideration?
asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that, when the first Coal-Rationing Order was made, many householders, in order to help the Government and to save the consumption of coal, had their houses fitted with gas stoves for heating and cooking purposes; whether ho is aware that, on the recent Order for gas reduction, many of those people will be forced to purchase coal for these purposes; will he state what is the effect the new Order on coal will have on these consumers; and, in view of the hardship these recent Orders on gas and coal will have on householders who have done their utmost to help the Government in these matters will he reconsider the whole matter and also allow this House to discuss it before any final decision is made?
I am aware that a considerable number of gas appliances for heating and cooking were installed last year, and that in some of these cases householders may have lately reverted to coal. In connection with the proposed new scheme of coal rationing I am considering whether it may not be practicable to take into account the consumption of gas for heating and cooking purposes, but I must warn householders that whether their fuel is in the form of coal or gas a very material reduction in consumption is absolutely necessary.
In the calculations made, could not note be taken of the gas and electric current used in conjunction with the use of coal and coke—the whole taken into account—so that if there is a reduction of one of these constituents there may be an increased allowance of the other?
If the hon. Gentleman will recall my answer, he will recollect that his suggestion that consideration should be given to the users of gas—and probably of electricity—will be considered with the question of the rationing of coal.
asked what effect the new rationing Gas Order will have on people who use gas for motor cars; and whether their consumption is being cut down in the same way that household consumption has been reduced?
In the case of persons using gas for motor cars drawn from their own source of supply for other purposes, the restriction of the new Order will have effect, but this does not apply to the case of persons obtaining a supply for motor vehicles from other sources, and the method of dealing with this matter is under consideration.
Is it not a fact that the gas companies have informed consumers who have their own charging stations for gas on their own premises, which is taken off the same meter, that no notice will be taken of the extra quantity consumed?
I am not aware that any such notice has been given. As I indicated in my reply, we are taking the subject under consideration at once.
Owing to the importance of the matter, will the right hon. Gentleman communicate with the gas companies?
I will look into the matter.
asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state the number of motor cars and wagons for which permission has been given in London for the use of gas; if he will state if the quantity of gas per car is limited; and if any fresh licences have been issued since the recent Gas-Rationing Order?
I regret that, without an amount of labour which would not be justified, it is not. possible to state the number of motor vehicles in any particular area for which permission has been given for the use of gas. The permit does not limit the amount of gas which may be used, but the purposes for which the car may be used are restricted. The issue of new permits was suspended in London and other parts of England before the date of the Lighting, Heating, and Power Order.
Insurance Polices (Men Killed In Action)
asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that certain cases in connection with the insurance policies of men killed in action were lately examined by the Director of Public Prosecutions; whether in connection with these cases there was evidence of alteration of policies by means of forgery on the part of the servants of the Prudential Assurance Company; whether any recommendations have been received in relation to these oases in order that the agents of insurances companies who fraudulently alter policies of men killed in action may be made the subject of a criminal prosecution; and, if the recommendations have been received, will the matter be immediately dealt with by the authorities, in view of the many pledges given by the Government that the interests of the serving men will be protected?
I am aware that certain complaints in connection with insurance policies, one of which was on the life of a man killed in action, have recently been investigated by the Director of Public Prosecutions, who came to the conclusion that the evidence obtained was insufficient on which to found a criminal charge. There is no reason why an agent fraudulently altering a policy should not be made the subject of a criminal prosecution if the evidence obtainable is sufficient, and no recommendation for an alteration of the law in this respect has been made.
Did not the right hon. Gentleman receive a recommendation from the Director of Public Prosecutions saying that there should be power to prosecute these people if they did alter these policies, and did he state that he did not appear to have the power to do so?
I am not aware of any such recommendation made, but I will make further inquiry.
Is it not a fact that this company have paid very large sums of money to people insured on peace terms, and have given them the benefit of war risks without any extra charge; further, is there not in this question a reflection upon a very large class of men who have done their best for the country; further—
The hon. Member must give notice of some of those questions.
Merchant Service (Recognition Of Heroism)
asked the President of the Board of Trade if he has yet come to a decision for recognising the heroism of merchant sailors, who although having been on board torpedoed ships, in some cases more than once, still carry on by going to sea?
I am afraid I can only repeat what I have told the right hon. Gentleman on previous occasions, that there will be no available delay in dealing with this matter, and that he will be informed as soon as a decision is arrived at. If he wishes, I shall be very pleased to explain to him privately how the matter stands at present.
Railway Traffic (Race Meetings)
asked the President of the Board of Trade if he can announce the arrangements that will be made to curtail tramp on the railways; and whether special railway trains will still continue to form part of the means of locomotion to racecourses?
I hope shortly to have an opportunity of making a statement with regard to the restrictions which I regret it is necessary to apply to railway travelling. The question whether horse-racing should be continued is now being considered by the War Cabinet.
Will special railway trains still continue to form the means of locomotion to racecourses?
I have tried to indicate in my reply that until the War Cabinet has given their decision in regard to horse-racing I cannot give any definite reply as to the trains that may be run.
Are there additional trains at present in connection with race meetings?
Has the right hon. Gentleman not power to prevent special trains being run for race meetings?
I am not aware that any special trains are being run for race meetings. It is, I think, true that in order to deal with the traffic, which is probably increased by racing, extra trains are being run.
Is it not a fact that you cannot go to a race meeting to- day except by train; you have laid down a regulation that you cannot use your motor car for that purpose?
You can walk!
Coal Mines (Control)
asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that claims have been made against the Controller of Coal Mines for sum due from him under his guarantee contained in the agreement scheduled to the Coal Mines Control Agreement (Confirmation) Act, 1918, and that such claims have not been met; whether, in view of the assurances which were made in Parliament by the Government on the passing of the Act that the Controller would act reasonably in dealing with applications for payments to the coalowners on account of moneys due to them under the guarantee, he will direct the Controller of Coal Mines to make such payments accordingly; and whether the Controller of Coal Mines has any moneys in hand out of which to make such payments?
Payments of claims under the Coal Mines Agreement have been dealt with as promptly as possible, though delays have occurred in certain cases owing to the failure of the claimants to furnish requisite information. In cases of urgency in which are immediate settlement is not possible payments on account have been made.
asked the President of the Board of Trade if any figures are now available showing what saving, if any, has been effected in the train mileage on the English railways by the Controller of Coal Mines' scheme for redistribution of output; what proportion of such saving is due to the reduction of output in the English area; and what proportion, if any, to the Controller's scheme?
I indicated in the answer given to the hon. and gallant Member on 3rd December that estimates had been prepared by certain railway companies of the saving actually effected, and these tended to confirm the original estimated saving for the country as a whole. Owing to the enormous amount of work involved and the necessity for economy in clerical work, some of the railways have not found it practicable to compile precise details as to the effect of the scheme, but are satisfied as to the help which the scheme has afforded in the present difficult state of railway transport. The estimated saving in train mileage in connection with the scheme did not include any saving which might be due to reduced output. If the hon. and gallant Gentleman would care to do so, the Controller of Coal Mines will be delighted to go into the figures with him in greater detail than it is possible to do by way of question and answer.
Officers' Pensions
asked the Secretary of State for India whether, in view of his previous promises regarding Indian officers' pensions, he is now prepared to direct that no officer in the Indian Army shall be required during the War to draw less pay than the pension he has earned?
I am not aware of any case in which an officer of the Indian Army is required to draw less pay than the pension ho has earned. If the hon. Member has in mind the deduction made from the unemployed pay of an officer of the Indian Army when he is employed by the War Office, the aggregate pay drawn by the officer is always more than the pension he would receive were he on the retired list.
If I give the right hon. Gentleman a concrete case of a general officer, will he kindly inquire into it?
Enemy Aliens
asked if the whole of the missionaries of German nationality have been removed from India; if some missionaries now described as Swiss are of doubtful advantage in India; and why these persons should be allowed to move about the country?
Early in 1916 the Government of India, in accordance with a policy then decided on, repatriated the great body of missionaries of enemy nationality. Exceptions were allowed only in cases where, by reason of age, sex, prolonged residence out of Europe or other similar circumstances, removal from India was unnecessary and would have been a hardship.
Missionaries of Swiss nationality in India, so long as their conduct is irreproachable, enjoy the same freedom of movement as other neutrals. The authorities have full powers. extending to removal from India, to deal with any foreigner who wrongly describes his nationality or is found to work adversely against British interests.Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there has been a band of German spying missionaries roaming about in India since the autumn of last year?
I am not aware of it.
The right hon. Gentleman was good enough to say that where age or sex are concerned it is not necessary to interfere with Germans in India. Does that exception apply where the German nation is concerned?
Is the right hon. Gentleman satisfied that adequate steps are taken to make sure that people who call themselves of Swiss nationality really are Swiss and not German, who, for the moment, claim to be of Swiss nationality?
Yes, Sir.
Are not German-Swiss as bad as Germans?
asked if it is certain that all German elements and influence have been eliminated from India; if some of the factories previously known as German are now running as Swiss factories; and if it is certain that there is no German capital or influence behind them?
There is no reason to think that the measures taken by the Government of India to eliminate German interests and influence from India have been ineffective.
There are certain factories in Southern India connected with a well-known mission under German influence in which Swiss agency is employed, but steps have been taken to secure the elimination from these concerns of German capital and influence.Are not some of these factories being run at a great profit, and is it certain that these factories are not being reserved for German interests in the future?
I am not aware of the extent of the profits, but these trading concerns are being closely looked into.
Food Supplies
asked the Secretary of State for India whether he is aware that, since exports of tea to the United Kingdom from India have been restricted and the importation of foreign-grown tea has been prohibited, exports of tea from Java to America and Canada have risen in 1917 to 32,568,000 half-kilos as against 632,000 half-kilos exported in the previous year; and whether, if so, ho has any information to the effect that Canada has any intention of restricting her imports of tea to such produce as is British grown?
The Secretary of State has no information that the Government of Canada propose to restrict the importation of foreign-grown tea.
Supplementary Rations
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he can state precisely how many individuals, and what sections of the population, are obtaining a higher scale of food rations; whether more than one alternative scale has been set up; what extra quantities are given in each grade; how the extra rations are obtained; who decides as to the persons qualified and the amount to be distributed; and whether women or children in any circumstances are entitled to them?
I regret that I cannot state precisely how many individuals are obtaining a higher scale of food rations. Returns have been asked for from the food committees, but they have only been received as yet in a certain proportion of cases. So far as civilians are concerned, heavy manual workers obtain two extra meat coupons a week valid for the purchase of any meat other than uncooked butcher's meat. There is no differentiation of supplementary rations between different classes of heavy workers. A certain number of women are included in this class. Adole- scent boys from thirteen to eighteen obtain half this amount, while an additional meat meal is provided for persons working a specified amount of overtime at night after a full day. I have already stated how these rations are obtained. The food control committees are ordinarily the deciding authorities, but act under general instructions from the Ministry of Food. I may repeat that the present arrangements are provisional.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether sorters in the postal service are being granted supplementary food cards in certain London boroughs and denied 1o the same class of workers in other London boroughs; and will be take steps to ensure uniformity of treatment in all districts?
Only sorters in travelling post offices are entitled to supplementary rations under the instructions issued to food control committees. Inquiry will be made as to any cases in which supplementary cards have been issued to other classes of sorters in London.
Is not the hon. Gentleman aware that in some London boroughs these supplementary rations are issued to sorters and not in others; for instance, in Wandsworth they do not get them, while in Fulham they do?
I am not aware of that, as my answer indicates. I shall be glad of any information on any case.
I have given you a case.
Milk (Wholesale Distribution)
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food the names of the members of the Committee recently appointed to inquire into the supply and distribution of milk; the terms of reference; and if the Committee's Report may be expected at an early date?
I presume that the hon. Member refers to the Sub-Committee recently appointed to consider the question of the control of the wholesale distribution of milk. I am sending him a list of the names of its members, and this will be printed in the OFFICIAL REPORT. Its terms of reference are to consider:
The answer to the last part of the question is in the affirmative.
The following is the list referred to:
Sub-Committee on Government Control of Wholesale Distribution of Milk.
- Mr. W. Buckley (Chairman), Director of Milk Supplies, Ministry of Food.
- Mr. Athelstone Rendall, M.P.
- Sir Beville Stanier, M.P.
- Mr. Gershom Stewart, M.P.
- Mr. Robert Harcourt, M.P.
- Mr. T. Richardson, M.P.
- Mrs. Cotterell, Consumers Council.
- Mr. O. T. Crump.
- Mr. J. F. Blackshaw, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries.
- Sir Robert Wright, Board of Agriculture for Scotland.
- Dr. A. W. J. MacFadden, Local Government Board (England).
- Major G. R. Leighton, M.D., Local Government Board (Scotland).
- Mr. H. G. Judd, Ministry of Munitions.
- Dr. D. Newton, Ministry of Reconstruction.
- Mr. E. M. H. Lloyd, Ministry of Food.
- Mr. W. Peat, Ministry of Food.
- Mr. H. Hoare, Ministry of Food.
- Mr. H. J. Youngs, Co-operative Wholesale Society.
- Mr. J. C. Robinson, Sussex, farmer.
- Mr. J. Mackintosh (Secretary).
Dog Food
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, in order to allay public agitation, he will state whether the manufacture of dog food will be continued; whether the necessity of preserving the various canine breeds has been appreciated; and whether the lap-dog variety will be considered as a taxable luxury?
I can add nothing to my answer, given on Thursday last, to the hon. Member for Devizes, except to say that the points referred to in the question will be borne in mind.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether his attention has been called to the fact that, at a meeting of the Liverpool City Council held on 1st May, the town clerk stated that he had repeatedly given licences to sell bacon without coupons to save it going bad; and whether, in view of the surplus of bacon and other foods in Liverpool and the shortage of certain foodstuffs in London, he will take steps to increase the supplies to London?
I have seen in the newspapers reports of the statement to which the hon. Member refers. There has been no shortage of bacon in London compared with other places, but, in view of the large supplies of bacon now reaching the United Kingdom, it has been decided to raise the quantity which may be purchased on surrender of a coupon. The decision was announced in the Press last Saturday.
Devonshire Butter
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether in certain markets in Devonshire butter is being taken home unsold, as on the existing scale of ration it cannot be sold; and whether, in view of the increased summer milk yield, it is proposed to increase the ration during the summer months?
I have seen this statement in the Press, but I gather that the difficulties were exceptional. Arrangements are now being made to authorise the purchase by householders for preserving purposes of quantities of butter beyond the ration allowance, and to collect surplus quantities of butter with a view to storage for winter use. It is not proposed to increase the ration of butter and margarine during the summer months.
In these matters cannot the local food committee have discretionary powers in order to prevent any large quantity of butter being spoiled during the coming hot weather?
I should hope that local committees would take action to prevent the spoiling of any butter. It is the desire of the Ministry now not so much to increase the consumption as to be certain that there will be adequate quantities for winter use.
Can the hon. Gentleman say whether the export of butter from Ireland is yet permitted?
I should like notice, in order to see whether any change has taken place.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food under what authority it is proposed to restrict the importation of potatoes from the Norman Islands; and by what authority he proposes to oblige the farmers of Jersey to sell their potatoes at a price which is less than the market value and, indeed, under cost price?
I would refer the hon. Member to the Secretary of State for Home Affairs as regards the first part of his question. I am not aware of any intention to oblige the Jersey farmers to sell their potatoes at a price which is less than cost price.
Ministry Of Food
asked the Prime Minister who is now in control of, and responsible to Parliament for, the policy and action of the Ministry of Food?
My Noble Friend Lord Rhondda.
asked the Secretary to the Treasury the total quantity of sugar on which duty was paid in the year ended 31st March, 1918; and what this works out in pounds weight per head of the population?
The quantity of sugar, refined and unrefined, retained for home consumption in the year ended 31st March, 1918, was 1,037,400 tons, representing 50 lbs. per head. If the sugar contained in imported composite goods is included, the total is 1,068,400 tons, representing 52 lbs. per head. Molasses, glucose, and saccharine are not included in the foregoing figures.
Will that include sugar supplied to the Army in France and importations of every kind?
The question asked the quantity on which duty was paid and the amount per head in weight. The answer is as I have given it. If the right hon. Gentleman wants any further information, if he will put down a question I shall be very pleased to answer it.
Agricultural Land (Income Tax Assessment)
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that the wholesale co-operative societies have recently bought a further 4,000 acres of land in Gloucestershire, making a total in the past two years of 25,000 acres of land purchased; whether he is aware that the society propose to occupy this land for the purpose of agriculture; and whether, in these circumstances, the privileged position of co-operative societies in respect of payment of Income Tax will extend to them in their capacity as farmers, or whether the society will be required to pay the same Income Tax as other occupiers of land for agricultural purposes under the proposed provisions of the new Finance Bill?
I would refer my hon. Friend to the provisions of the Industrial and Provident Societies Act, 1893, from which he will see that the exemption from Income Tax conferred upon co-operative societies within the scope of that Act is confined to Schedules C and D of the Income Tax Acts, and does not afford relief from the duty chargeable in respect of the ownership or occupation of land
Would not the profit on farming this land come under Schedule D if the co-operative societies elected to be charged upon the actual profits made, and in that case would they not be excused altogether?
I think not. I will look into it, and if the hon. Member will put down a definite question I will answer it.
62 and 63.
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) whether under his Budget it is proposed that policies and lands attached to and occupied with residences shall be compulsorily assessed to Income Tax on the basis of twice their annual value under Schedule B, or whether the option of assessment under Schedule D promised by him will be extended to them; (2) whether under his Budget proposals woodlands are to be compulsorily assessed at twice their annual value under Schedule B, or whether the option of assessment under Schedule D will in all cases be extended to them?
The option of election for assessment to Income Tax under Schedule D instead of Schedule B is confined to lands occupied for the purposes of husbandry only, and to woodlands managed on a commercial basis and with a view to the realisation of profits.
asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer, having regard to the fact that nearly all farms are occupied under a Michaelmas or Lady Day entry and that the farming year, upon which Income Tax under Schedule D is assessed, will be calculated from one or other of those dates, if he will state how it is proposed to enable fanners who have not already a valuation of their stock and crops as at the material date to avail themselves of their right to be assessed under Schedule D?
In the absence of an election for assessment under Schedule D—that is, on the average of the three preceding years—a farmer would be assessed under Schedule B in the ordinary course, but in that case, if he finds that his actual profits for the year are less than the amount of the assessment, he can claim a corresponding reduction of the charge, and figures for the one year only will be required. As I have previously stated, all possible assistance will be afforded in any case in which a farmer finds difficulty in establishing his claim.
Is the farmer to be allowed that for one year or on the average of three years?
My answer says that if the farmer did not elect to come under Schedule D and made a claim it would be on the profits for one year only.
Can the right hon. Gentleman say up to what date it will be open to a farmer to come under Schedule B?
I cannot say that without looking into it.
Mr K D Nabokoff (Financial Assistance)
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the application of Mr. K. D. Nabokoff for financial assistance from the British Government was made to or through the Foreign Office, or directly or indirectly through any other Department; if any other Department was the channel of Mr. Nabokoff's application, which Department was concerned; whether he has recommended that Mr. K. D. Nabokoff's application is granted; whether Grants were made to Mr. K. D. Nabokoff for certain objects or on certain conditions; and, if so, what were those objects and/or conditions?
Mr. Nabokoff's representations have been made direct to the Foreign Office on this matter. The answer to the third part of the question is in the affirmative. With regard to the fourth and fifth parts, no conditions have been attached to these advances, nor have any specific objects been formulated.
How much was given to Mr. Nabokoff?
I should think that information can be obtained if the hon. Member will put down a question.
Russia (French Ambassador)
asked whether Mr. Noulens, the French Ambassador in Russia, sends information concerning affairs in Petrograd and Russia to the French Government which is communicated to the Foreign Office?
Yes; sometimes.
Siberia (Anglo-American Mission)
asked whether the Anglo-American Mission has reached Volgoda on the return journey from Siberia, where it has investigated the alleged arming of German prisoners; and whether he is aware that Mr. George Tchitcherine, the Russian Commissionary for Foreign Relations, has stated that this mission has declared that there is no truth in the German prisoner allegation?
The British officer who went to Siberia for the purpose mentioned has, I believe, returned to Moscow. I have no information as regards the American officer. I have not heard of the alleged statement referred to in the last part of the question.
Under whose orders was the British officer acting?
Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether the purport of this mission, as conveyed to us by Mr. Tchit-cherine is the same as that conveyed by the officer to the authorities here?
I have already indicated in the answer I have given that I have not heard of the alleged statement by Mr. Tchitcherine.
Disabled Soldiers (Land Settlement)
asked how many soldiers are settled on the land provided by his Department for disabled soldiers; whether he has now exhaused his powers of purchase; and whether he intends to seek powers from Parliament to buy more land for this purpose?
There are at the present time twenty ex-soldiers at work on the colonies. These men have been selected from 266 applicants, of whom eighty-eight are men still serving in the forces and are not, therefore, immediately eligible, 100 have been definitely rejected as not likely to make successful settlers or have withdrawn their applications, and fifty-three arc under consideration. In reply to the remainder of the question, the Board have cither bought or leased land up to the limit named in the Small Holding Colonies Act, 1916, and a Bill will shortly be introduced with the object of extending their powers of obtaining additional land for the purpose.
Will the Bill be produced this Session?
Will the hon. Member say if the Board is going to buy anything like land enough for the number of soldiers who want to go back on the land; is this going to be a really big affair or the usual Government tinkering?
As you have only placed some twenty of these men on the land, is there any reasonable possibility of dealing with land settlement under these conditions?
These colonies are being prepared for men on demobilisation.
Are we going to wait until the end of the War before any discharged soldiers are put on to the land? Are they not wanted more to-day than after the War?
We have already had 266 applications, of which 100 have been definitely rejected as not being likely to become successful settlers; 53 cases are under consideration of men who have been demobilised, and 88 are still in the Army.
How long has it taken to settle twenty men on the land, and when did the operation start?
Eighteen months.
Are any steps taken to train these men and fib them for taking up these holdings?
The Small Holding Colonies Act is limited to men who have had agricultural experience who want to settle on the land. This is not a training colony.
Workers' Houses, Bellshill And Cambuslang
asked the Minister of Munitions whether he has received complaints respecting the rents fixed by his Department for houses in Bellshill and Cambuslang; whether these rents are from £8 to £10 more than is charged for houses of a similar kind in these districts; whether one ward committee has refused to let the houses as a protest against the rents asked; and what steps he proposes to take in the matter?
The houses in question form part of a scheme of 350 houses erected by the Ministry of Munitions under an arrangement that they will be taken over after the War by the local authorities. The rents fixed are higher than the rents of houses in the district of a similar type built before the War, but the increase only partially covers the increase in cost of building. The rents have been fixed to obtain an economic return on 70 per cent. of the total cost of the houses, 30 per cent. of the cost being written off as being due to special war conditions. The Ministry have agreed to undertake the management of the houses.
Will the hon. Gentleman be good enough to reply to the question whether it is true that one of the committees refused to let the houses?
It is a fact that there was some difficulty with one of the committees, and that is why the Ministry has undertaken to manage the houses.
Will the hon. Gentleman say whether any inquiry is being made as to whether it is economically possible for the tenants to pay these high rents?
I myself had negotiations with the local authorities, and these arrangements have been come to in consequence.
Messrs Elliotts, Newbury
asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware that Messrs. Elliotts, a firm of moulders and joiners, at Newbury, Berks, have dismissed several girls because of their membership of a trade union, and that, prior to reinstating these girls, this firm has made the girls sign a paper stating they were not, and would not become, members of a trade union; whether he is aware that the firm is controlled by his Department and that the action complained of is illegal; and whether he will make inquiry into this matter, with a view to its prompt treatment?
I have not completed the inquiries into this case, and shall be glad if my hon. Friend will repeat his question on Thursday.
Cannel Coal
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions how many modified plants for the distillation of petroleum from cannel coal are now in operation at gasworks in Great Britain; and what production has been obtained to date?
It is not desirable in the public interest to give details of production, but it may be stated definitely that gasworks in Great Britain are either now modified or in process of modification to enable all the cannel coal which is known to be available to be carbonised for the production of oil. For the information of the hon. Member it may be stated that the process so far has been an unqualified success and the results are even better than were expected.
How many plants are there in operation? That is the question.
The answer I have given is that we have now either in. operation or arranged for sufficient plants for all the cannel coal available. I cannot give the definite figure.
Military Service
Medical Grading (Cardiff Board)
asked the Minister of National Service if he will have special inquiry made into the case of Mr. Rees Jones, 23, Queen Street, Dowlais, who has been put in Grade 1 notwithstanding the fact that he has produced three doctors' certificates describing his physical disabilities, one of which states that on several occasons he has attended him for appendicitis, and that it is only by exercising the utmost care as regards his diet and general health that he avoids a recurrence of this ailment?
Inquiries have been made into the case of Mr. Rees Jones and a full report has been received, to the effect that he was carefully examined by the No. 1 Cardiff Medical Board, which consists entirely of civilian doctors. The Report shows that full consideration was given to the medical certificates produced by Mr. Rees Jones, and special mention is made in the Report sent to me of the fact that in the past he had been attended for appendicitis. After a thorough examination the Board unanimously classified Mr. Rees Jones as being in Grade 1.
Permanently Unfit Men
asked the Minister of National Service whether the words "offer- ing themselves for enlistment," in paragraph 4 c of the Schedule of exempted persons in the Military Service Act, relating to the exemption of men who, since 5th April, 1917, have been rejected as being totally and permanently unfit for any form of military service, cover men who did not volunteer but waited until they were called up in the ordinary way?
I think the hon. Member's question raises a matter of the construction of the Act, and that, accordingly, it is not desirable that I should deal directly with it; but I may state that the practice is that under general Instructions issued in April, 1917, and still current, a man is not to be called up for service or for medical examination if he has been duly found to be totally and permanently unfit for any form of military service, and he is given a certificate showing that he is discharged from liability to be called up for military service.
Could the hon. Gentleman say who is able to tell us what is the construction of the Act if it is not the persons who are administering it, and will he deal with the question which I have asked, namely, whether the words in the Act cover the case of all men or only those who really offered themselves and did not wait until the Order was issued for calling them up?
I am sure my hon. Friend is aware of the fact that this rather intricate legal point was submitted to a Committee of Law and that a decision was given. It is really a highly technical legal point, and it would be unfortunate to deal with it here by question and answer.
Are we to understand that the National Service Department have given instructions construing these words as if they cover all these men whether they offered themselves voluntarily or came up for service under the Military Service Act?
My hon. Friend had better look at the answer that I have given, which, I think, covers the point.
Will the hon. Gentleman say when any case was decided in a Court of law subsequent to the passing of the Act? It never has been decided.
What was the decision to which the hon. Gentleman referred?
The case was one in which a man offered himself voluntarily two days before he was required to report himself. I forget the date of it. The Court gave a decision in his favour.
Will the hon. Gentleman consult the Law Officers and give a considered reply?
It is not in the least necessary. It is a purely technical point, and the administration is entirely in favour of the men.
Government Departments
28 and 29.
asked the Minister of National Service (1) whether, in accordance with the undertaking he gave during the passage of the Military Service Act, he has taken steps to appoint a Committee to deal with the release of men of military age now employed in Government offices; does this Committee consist of members who have already gained experience on military tribunals and are unconnected with any Government Department themselves; (2) whether he intends to employ an independent Committee, unconnected with his own Department, to grant releases for military service to men of military age now employed in his Department?
My right hon. Friend has invited a large and distinguished body to act as his representatives in the forthcoming inquiry into the exemptions from military service held by men of military age in the employment of Government Departments. This body will form a panel, consisting of gentlemen not in the Civil Service, many of whom have had experience of tribunal work, and will, I hope, include Members of both Houses of Parliament and representatives of various professions and of business pursuits. The list will be published as soon as it is settled. It is intended that representatives from this panel shall be allocated to the inquiry held in each Department, and that at each inquiry the Department concerned shall be represented. As far as possible the inquiries will be carried on simultaneously, so that the whole investigation may be completed as soon as possible. The Ministry of National Service will, of course, be dealt with in exactly the same way as other Government offices.
Will the gentlemen on this tribunal be unconnected with any Government Department?
I do not know what my hon. and gallant Friend means by unconnected with any Government Department. It would be very difficult to find any distinguished gentlemen of to-day unconnected with Government Departments.
Is it to be understood that the decision of this tribunal will be binding, and that there will be no power left to the separate Departments to override the decision?
No; the final power rests with my right hon. Friend the Minister of National Service.
When is it proposed to issue the return that was promised of all those of military age employed in Government Departments?
I hope very soon, but I will inquire.
Will there be any discharged men on this panel?
I had better have notice of that question.
Will the hon. Gentleman see that Government Departments cease to enrol further men of military age while this inquiry is going on?
I will consider that point.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what is the number of men employed at his Ministry under the age of forty-one; how many of these have been classified as fit for some form of military service; and what Instructions have been issued to prevent the future employment in his Department of men under the age of forty-five if they have been passed fit for any form of military service?
The number of men under the age of forty-one on the headquarters staff of the Ministry is 370. Of these 120 are on loan from the War Office or have been discharged from the Army. Of the remainder, 225 have been classified as fit for some form of military service, and of these a very large majority have been placed in Grade 3, or corresponding categories. It is considered that Grade 3 men who have any special qualification for the work of the Ministry of Food are of greater value to the nation in that Ministry than elsewhere. A committee or tribunal consisting of members of the Ministry of National Service and of this Ministry has been engaged for some months in reviewing the military position of the male staff of the Ministry, and no man fit for any form of military duty will be retained without the consent of the Ministry of National Service.
Can the hon. Gentleman say how many men of military age are employed outside the Ministry, not in London, but in other parts of the country?
I should require notice of that question, which would involve a great deal of extensive investigation.
Would it not have a great deal better effect it an independent Committee were set up to inquire into this matter, instead of representatives of the different Departments, who are very interested in keeping these men?
I think that the interests of the Army may be entrusted to the National Service Department.
I do not think so.
Can the hon. Gentleman say how many of the men loaned from the War Office who are not discharged men are of military age?
My answer indicates that many of them are below forty-one years of age.
Is it not a fact that Grade 3 men in the Government Departments are not the same as Grade 3 men in ordinary civil employment, by special arrangement with the medical boards.
Time-Expired Men (Restoration Of Rank)
asked the Minister of National Service whether a time-expired man recalled to the Colours under the new Military Service Act will be entitled to be restored to his former rank?
Yes, Sir. Any man discharged on the termination of his engagement will, if recalled to the Colours, be restored to his former rank.
asked the Minister of National Service if an officer or non commissioned officer recalled for service under the new Military Service Act who has previously left or been discharged from the Service will, whether still partially disabled or not, be entitled to be restored to his former rank, as provided by Section 2 of the Review of Exceptions Act now repealed?
The conditions under which former rank can be restored are under consideration.
Mansfield Woodhouse Local Tribunal
asked the Minister of National Service whether his attention has been directed to the recent proceedings of the Mansfield Woodhouse local tribunal and the language used by the National Service representative; and whether he has taken any action in the matter?
Inquiries are being made into this matter.
Will the hon. Gentleman announce the result of his inquiry in the House?
I will if my hon. Friend will put down a question.
Enforcement Of Act (Ireland)
asked the Prime Minister whether the enforcement of the Military Service Act in Ireland has been postponed; and, if so, to what date?
I cannot add anything to the statement which the Prime Minister made in the House on the 29th April, when he clearly indicated the intentions of the Government, which have undergone no change.
Can the right hon. Gentleman say when or before what date the Order in Council will not be laid before the House?
No; I cannot make a statement of that kind.
Special Constables
asked the Minister of National Service whether, with reference to the proposed extension of the hours of duty of special constables, and having regard to the fact that hardships already exist, both to employers and employés, where men working at high pressure have to perform these duties in the national interests, he will give instructions to tribunals when dealing with future exemptions to modify, or remove altogether, the imposition of such duties in cases where the persons concerned are engaged in work of national importance; whether it is intended to draft into the special constabulary men in lower medical categories as well as those exempted by tribunals, also Civil servants and W Reserve men; and whether, in the event of illness or disablement resulting from service with the special constabulary, the Government will be prepared to make adequate compensation?
With regard to the first part of the question, the tribunals decide as to the reasonableness of the conditions which they attach to certificates of exemption in individual cases, and any instructions to tribunals on the subject would be prepared and issued by my right hon. Friend the President of the Local Government Board.
As to the second part of the question, men exempted by tribunals will not as a body be drafted into the special constabulary, but enrolment as a special constable may be the condition attached at the discretion of the tribunal to the exemption of any individual. It is not intended to draft into the special constabulary Civil servants and W Reserve men. The point raised in the last part of the question should be referred to my right hon. Friend the Homo Secretary.Russian Government Committee
asked the First Commissioner of Works whether India House, Kingsway, Canada House, and Empire House have been for years, and still are, occupied by the Russian Government Committee; whether these buildings have been and/or still are under his control; whether any rent has been and/or is still being paid for them; whether the Russian Government Committee, under which and for whose interests these buildings were occupied, has ceased to exist; whether, as it is the intention of the Russian Government to dissolve itself on or before 1st June, it is intended to take these large buildings, which contain hundreds of rooms, for Government purposes; and what amount, if any, has been paid by and/or is due from the Russian Government Committee in respect of these three large blocks of buildings?
The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative; to the second part, in the affirmative. I have no knowledge of the facts as stated regarding the Russian Government. Arrangements are in progress for utilising any space which may be liberated in these buildings by the proposed dissolution of the Russian Committee of the Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement when this takes place. I have no information on the last part of the question, which should be addressed to the Treasury.
Kew Gardens (Refreshment Pavilion)
asked the First Commissioner of Works why the refreshment pavilion in Kew Gardens has been closed; and whether it will be opened this summer, in view of the large number of visitors to the gardens who wish to have tea during their visit?
As refreshment facilities in the Royal Parks could not be regarded as essential in war-time, it was decided, in view of the urgent necessity for economy in food and labour, and with the concurrence of the Treasury, to close the refreshment pavilion until after the War.
Would it not be worth while for the right hon. Gentleman to attract people to places near London, rather than have them spend their weekends travelling a long distance away?
Does this represent the policy of the alternative Government?
Is it not a fact that this tea-house was self-supporting?
I have already stated the reasons why this house was closed, and I cannot add anything to my answer.
Was it or was it not self-supporting?
I should require notice of that question.
Government Of Ireland Bill
asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that the Preamble to the Parliament Act, 1911, contained assurances as to future legislation which have never been acted upon, and, through having proved abortive, have led to much controversy and condemnation by certain prominent members of the War Cabinet and other Ministers of the Crown; and whether, in order to avoid similarly misleading Parliament and the people with regard to the future government of Ireland, care will be taken in drafting the forthcoming Home Rule Bill to dispense with any Preamble?
As the preparation of the Bill is not completed, I cannot make any statement about it.
Peace Terms
asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the statement of the German Treasury Minister, Count von Roedern, of last week, to the effect that he opposed Income Tax as it existed in England on the ground that the war indemnity which Germany will demand from England and America will cover the deficit; and whether, having regard to this statement, he will make it clear that the British Empire under these circumstances re serves its right to exact any indemnities from the German Empire which it may think proper when victory has been secured?
My attention has been called to Count von Roedern's speech in the Reichstag on 23rd April last, but upon the general question I cannot add anything to the reply which I gave to my hon. and gallant Friend on the 29th April last.
Has not Germany definitely shown us what her stakes are, and is it not highly desirable that somebody representing His Majesty's Government should at an early date state that we do not agree to the principle that heads the Germans win and tails the Allies lose?
That is another form of putting the same question.
I quite agree with that form of putting the question, but we have never accepted, and never would accept, such a definition of our aims.
Is it on account of this statement of the German Minister that the Minister of Blockade has advised the public to beware of a German peace offensive?
Road Transport Board
asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that a Departmental Committee has been appointed in order to bring about, by means of amalgamation and pooling of interests in various industries throughout the country, economies in respect of fuel, man-power, transport, etc.; whether, to assist its inquiries, it is proposed to set up advisory committees on which representatives of the industries concerned will occupy seats; if so, whether he will lay the terms of reference to the Departmental Committee upon the Table; and whether he will inform the House what, if any, executive powers have been, or are proposed to be, given to this Committee or the Department to which it will report?
The Prime Minister has asked me to reply to this question. No Departmental Committee of such a far-reaching character as the hon. Member suggests has been set up, but he may have in mind the Road Transport Board, which has been established with the following terms of reference:
A central advisory committee and a number of divisional advisory committees have been set up to assist the Road Transport Board, and these committees contain representatives of interests concerned. The Board of Trade possess certain powers with regard to horses and horse-driven vehicles, and it is proposed to obtain further powers to enable other classes of vehicles to be dealt with in case need should arise."To co-ordinate the work of the existing Government Department in connection with road transport; to determine what further measures are necessary to ensure the most economic use of road transport vehicles and their efficient allocation for meeting such requirements as may arise from time to time for the transport of food, munitions and other war material, and for the essential needs of the trade and industry of the country; and, subject to the direction of the Board of Trade, to give executive effect thereto."
Is similar action in any other direction contemplated?
I am not aware of it.
Air Council
asked the Prime Minister whether the right hon. Baronet the Member for Blackburn has resigned his position on the Air Council; if so, what is the reason for his resignation; and who has been appointed to take his place?
The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The right hon. Baronet the Member for Blackburn, having been appointed to the Air Council by the late Secretary of State, naturally placed his resignation in the hands of the new Secretary of State, who accepted it, having decided that it is desirable to reduce the size of the Air Council. The vacancy has not been filled.
Did the hon. Baronet the Member for Blackburn hold his position on the Air Council as a Member of this House and a Privy Councillor, or as an officer holding a commission?
He was appointed by the late Secretary of State as an additional member. There is no connection either with his membership of this House or with his holding a commission.
Have others, the hon. and gallant Gentleman included, tendered their resignations for the same reason, and have they been accepted or rejected?
The hon. Baronet was an additional member appointed definitely by the Secretary of State.
Will the hon. and gallant Gentleman see that some other appointment is given to the hon. Baronet?
Commission Internationale De Revitaillement
asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that the Commission Internationale de Revitaillement has had offices in London, but as the Russian Government was connected with this commission reorganisation or rearrangement has been necessitated; whether any Russian official, representative, or citizen is still connected with this commission; if so, can the name, or names, be given; what salary, remuneration, or payment has been given since 12th March, 1917, to any Russian member, or members, of the commission; and whether he is satisfied that no funds are now being placed at the disposal of Russian agents which the present Russian Government will repudiate?
The Commission Internationale de Revitaillement has, as it has always had, its offices in London, and no general reorganisation has been necessitated by recent events in Russia. A certain proportion of the delegates of the former Russian Government and their employés, both Russian and English, have been retained to transact the necessary business connected with the liquidation and diversion of contracts. In view of the daily changes which are taking place in the number of this staff, no useful information can be given at present as to their names or remuneration. The last part of the question should be addressed to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Proportional Representation
Election Expenses
asked the Prime Minister whether, when the system of proportional representation for the election of 100 Members to this House comes up for consideration, any proposal will be made by the Government to limit the scale of expenses in the constituencies dealt with, in view of the facts that larger areas will arise and that the scale of expenses in the Reform Act will, in such areas, amount to three or five times as much, as the case may be, as those of single-member constituencies?
My right hon. Friend has asked me to reply. Any alteration in the scale of election expenses would require legislation, and in the event of the scheme for proportional representation being adopted by both Houses of Parliament the question of introducing an amending Bill would receive consideration.
Would the amending Bill deal with the question of expenses?
That is the meaning of the answer.
Pensions Warrant
asked the Prime Minister why no opportunity was afforded to the House to discuss the increases in the Pensions Warrant before it was issued?
I would refer the hon. Member to my replies to him on the 13th March, from which he will see that no promise was given that there would be such a discussion before the issue of the Warrant.
Why did the Government issue a new warrant which affects the interests of all our constituents without giving the House of Commons an opportunity, which has always been given on the issue of these warrants, of discussing it?
I think that is a mistake as to fact. I do not agree with the hon. Member at all. I think, in a case of this kind, the responsibility for the decision ought to be that of the Government. If the House does not agree with it an opportunity will be given for discussion.
Will there be an early date for a Vote of Credit?
I have no doubt an opportunity will be found in Supply.
Put it down for Thursday, which is an open Supply day.
The hon. Member had better speak to the Leader of the Opposition.
There is not any other Opposition.
Increase Of Rent, Etc (Amendment), Bill
asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the fact that cases have recently occurred where middle-class tenants have been turned out of their homes on account of their houses being sold over their heads to aliens; whether he is aware that this has happened frequently in instances where the householder is serving his country, with the result that his family are turned out with nowhere to go; and whether he will immediately bring in a Bill to extend the present Rent Bill to houses of a higher rental value?
I have been asked to answer this question. I can only refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the answer which was given to my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Beading on the 1st instant.
Is the hon. Gentleman aware that scores of these cases are occurring, and it is really becoming a very great scandal throughout the whole of the South of England and the Home Counties, and will he reconsider his answer in view of this fact?
I am aware that a great many cases have taken and are taking place, but whether legislation is necessary is a different thing.
If legislation is found to be necessary in the case of poor people, now that so many cases are occurring of people who are paying higher rents, many of them widows or officers' wives left alone at home, is it not imperative that the same principle should be applied, and that there should not be one law for the poor and another for the rich?
The whole question is one of policy for the Government.
Naval And Military Council
asked the Prime Minister if he will consider the formation of a council consisting of Admiral Lord Fisher, Admiral Lord Jellicoe, General Sir W. Robertson, and General Sir H. Trenchard for the purpose of assisting the Government in the conduct of the War?
The Government is not prepared to adopt my right hon. Friend's suggestion.
Is the Government so rich in geniuses that it can afford to dispense with the services of these eminentmen?
I do not know about the extent of its riches of that kind, but I do know that the Government must be responsible, and must be themselves the judges as to who their advisers may be.
Does not the right hon. Gentleman consider the time has now come when the War Cabinet should take into its ranks members of military and naval experience?
As I have said, the responsibility is that of the Government, and it takes, and will continue to take, expert advice which it thinks is the best available.
If the country goes down, is that any consolation to the country?
It will be the fault of the Government, and also of the House of Commons which supports it.
Mr. FABER rose—
This is not the time for debate.
British Prisoners Of War
asked the hon. Member for Sheffield (Central Division) whether the Government have any information of the fate of the 596 British troops and 2,600 Native troops who were taken prisoners by the Turks in Kut; whether the Government has reason to believe