asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he has made inquiries into the suicide in the Isle of Man of an interned British subject, named Brandauer, who was threatened with repatriation to Germany, though he bad Jived in this country many years and was naturalised; and whether he can give further information on this case?
This man was not a British subject, but a German. He was naturalised here in 1894, but in 1899 he gave up his British and reacquired his German nationality. His internment was postponed for a time on grounds of health, but in 1916 he was interned, and in 1917 an order was made in the ordinary course for his repatriation and an appeal against this order was refused on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee. Arrangements were accordingly made for his repatriation, but on the day before the date arranged for his departure he committed suicide with poison which he appears to have had in his possession.