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Protected Occupations

Volume 106: debated on Monday 13 May 1918

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asked the Minister of National Service whether the call up of the younger men from protected occupations is proceeding satisfactorily; whether the result to date is in accordance with expectation; whether large numbers are presenting themselves before their call, especially in the coal-mining areas; and has he any statement to make as to the percentage of recruits which are being passed as fit for active service?

The calling up for service of the men available and released from protected occupations, that is from occupations dealt with under the Schedule of Protected Occupations, M.M. 130 (Revised), is now proceeding as rapidly as the circumstances permit. It is not in the public interest that details of the numbers of or medical categories of recruits being obtained from any particular source should be published at this juncture. Considerable numbers of men who are available for recruitment under the revised Schedule do enlist voluntarily. The same remarks apply to the men who have been released from the coal mines.