asked the Minister of National Service whether the medical examination and classification of men of middle age has so far enabled him to form an opinion as to the percentage of men fit for military service of a useful character that will be obtained; and whether, until the total number of young men that the protected industries will give him has been ascertained, and the necessary quota of recruits obtained from Ireland, he intends proceeding with the examination or calling up of the middle-aged recruit in Great Britain?
The number of medical examinations of the class of men referred to by my hon. and gallant Friend is not yet sufficient to enable any definite conclusions to be drawn. The results of such examinations are being carefully observed, but I ought to state that it is not at present considered advisable that any announcement should be made publicly as to the results of these examinations. With regard to the latter part of the question, the Government has no intention of departing from the policy which was fully explained when the Bill was before the House.