asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that, in considering their reply to the housing circular of 18th March, 1918, the general purposes committee of the Wandsworth Borough Council requested Mr. Edwin Evans, J.P., L.C.C., president of the National Federation of Property Owners, to prepare for them a memorandum on the subject; whether he is aware that a large amount of land suitable for housing exists in the borough, and that the borough council has now declined the request of the Local Government Board to make plans; and whether he proposes to make representations to the Wandsworth Borough Council in the matter?
The reply to the first two questions is in the affirmative. The borough council have sent in to the Board some observations in regard to the housing position as respects Wandsworth, from which the Board gather that they do not think it necessary that they should erect houses, but they have not declined to do so. The matter will be considered as part of the housing problem affecting London as a whole, upon which I am expecting to receive a. comprehensive report from the London County Council.