asked the President of the Board of Agriculture -whether discharged soldiers are invited to apply for small holdings or for training colonies when obtaining their discharge; and whether arrangements will be made with the Army authorities for each soldier on obtaining his discharge to be given a printed leaflet giving particulars of existing facilities and requiring him to state his agricultural experience and whether he desires to settle on the land?
Soldiers at present being discharged are not specifically invited to apply for holdings on the colonies set up under the Small Holding Colonies Act, 1916. The scheme has, however, been widely announced, considering the small number of settlers who can be provided for. If the Small Holding Colonies (Amendment) Bill becomes law the Board will take steps to make the extended scheme fully known. In reply to the latter part of the question, the Board understand that the Army Council are preparing booklets, which will contain information as to the colonies, for issue to soldiers on demobilisation. By such means the Board will bring all facilities for settlement under the scheme before ex-Service men, but they cannot undertake to insist that each one shall state whether he wishes to settle on the land or not.
Can the hon. Gentleman say whether any discharged soldiers get small holdings?
I answered that question the other day.
How many?
There are twenty already on small holdings and there are twenty-three men whose claims are now being considered, and who are expected to be on the land before long.
Can the hon. Gentleman say how many discharged soldiers there are, and what proportion these numbers bear to the whole?
The hon. Member must give notice of questions of that kind.