asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware that men formerly employed in the Royal Arsenal who have joined the Army for longer than the duration of the War are disentitled to receive civil pay as allowed to men who have joined for the duration of the War; and whether he will consider the possibility of putting all the men on the same basis whilst the War lasts, in order not to discourage men from placing themselves unreservedly at the disposal of the military authorities?
My right hon. Friend has asked me to reply to this question as the rules in regard to continuance of civil pay to Civil servants serving with the forces are laid down for Government Departments generally by the Treasury. The case of the man who by enlisting for a definite period of years severs his connection with his Civil Department obviously differs from that of the man who joins for the War only, and I am not prepared to agree to the same terms being accorded to such men as to Civil servants who return to civil duty when their combatant service has ended.