:To ask the Prime Minister whether, in his statement that in Mesopotamia there is only one white division at all, and in Egypt and Palestine there are only three white divisions, he included the Australian and New Zealand troops there employed?
May I ask if it is in order to use the Question Paper of this House for giving information to the enemy?
I have pointed out frequently that is not a point of Order for me at all. If the Government think it is not desirable to answer a question, it is always open to them to say that on grounds of national safety they will not answer it.
Was not this statement made by the Prime Minister?
If the Government are unable to stop the question being put, they are unable to prevent the information being given to the enemy. I am only speaking for the safety of our Armies in the field.
Is the hon. Member putting a point of Order to me or making a speech?
No, Sir; I was answering an interruption. I ask you if you cannot stop these questions being put on the Paper?
I have already answered that I cannot, as no question of order arises; also I am not in possession of what is useful information and what is not useful information. As an ordinary member of the public, I have no knowledge of what is desirable to appear and what is not.
May I ask if the Clerks at the Table have any power in this matter?
They have no more knowledge than I have of the general strategy of this country, and are not in a position to pronounce an opinion.
As a reflection has been made by the hon. and gallant Member above the Gangway, has your attention been drawn to the fact that my question only related to a statement made by the Prime Minister as to the strength of our forces in the East? That is the statement which gave information to the enemy, if any information was given. I am only asking as to the inclusion of certain troops, and does any charge rest against me, as has been insinuated?
I do not know where the hon. Gentleman gets his information.
The Prime Minister!
It is not in the public interest to give this information.
May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether it is not in the public interest simply because the Prime Minister misled the House in his statement and made an incorrect statement to the House? [HON. MEMBERS: "No!"]
The hon. Member has asked his question, and he has had his reply.