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War Munition Volunteers

Volume 106: debated on Monday 13 May 1918

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asked the Minister for National Service if he is aware that London workmen who are temporarily resident in Dundee, as War Munition Volunteers, and in receipt of absence pay as being permanently resident in London, are being called up by the Munition Area Dilution Officer of Dundee, who has informed them that the notices will be postponed for one week to enable them to return home, but that they must return to Dundee, both journeys being undertaken at the men's own expense; whether it was understood that War Munition Volunteers would, upon the termination of their employment, be returned to the place where they were originally engaged; and whether, in such and similar cases, he will direct that the men shall be permitted to return to their homes and be called up from London?

War Munitions Volunteers engaged on munitions work are called up for service by the Munitions Area Recruiting Officer of the area in which they are registered when released for military service by the Ministry of Munitions or the Admiralty, as the case may be. As my light hon. Friend is aware, the agreement made by a War Munition Volunteer on enrolment is made with the Minister of Munitions, but I am informed by the Ministry of Munitions that it is not part of the agreement that a War Munition Volunteer, on the termination of his employment, should be returned to the place where he was engaged, but that cases are dealt with on their merits. I am making inquiries as to the cases referred to in Dundee, and I have drawn the attention of the Ministry of Munitions to the points raised by my right hon. Friend.