asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that a school designated by its promoters as a higher-grade national school has been opened at Kilkeel, county Down; whether this school has received the sanction of the Commissioners of National Education; if so, under which rule or provision of the Code has such sanction been given, or has special sanction been obtained from the Treasury for the establishment of higher-grade national schools in Ireland; will he state the number of teachers employed in this school, their conditions of service, the salary payable to each, and the Vote to which such salary is chargeable; is he aware that if children under fourteen years of age are admitted to this school the position of several teachers in the neighbouring national schools will be seriously jeopardised, and that a memorial to that effect has been sent to the Commissioners by the teachers concerned; and what action does he propose to take in the circumstances?
Provisional consent has been given under Rule 178 of the Code of the Commissioners of National Education for the establishment of a national school at Kilkeel, county Down, the attendance to be confined to pupils over twelve years of age who have passed the fifth standard. No information is at present available as to the actual number of teachers employed in the school and the conditions of service, but the school will be conducted in strict conformity with the Rules and Regulations.A protest from the Kilkeel Teachers' Association has been received as stated in the question, but, as the school has only been opened for instruction since Easter, the Commissioners of National Education are not in a position to say whether there are legitimate grounds for the opinion expressed by the association.