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British High Command, France

Volume 106: debated on Thursday 16 May 1918

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asked the Prime Minister whether any change has taken place or is contemplated in the High Command in France?

No change has taken place nor is any in contemplation. I may say, however, that, in my opinion, this is a question which ought not to be asked, and in future I shall decline to answer any question of the kind.

Arising out of that reply, will the right hon. Gentleman discourage statements in the official Press which indicate that such changes are in contemplation.

I do not know what the hon. Gentleman means by the "official Press." Certainly anything of the kind is much to be deprecated, wherever it occurs.

Has the attention of the right hon. Gentleman been called to the statement in an article by Mr. Lovat Eraser in the "Daily Mail" to the effect that the end of the "old military gang" was in contemplation?

Does not the reply of the right hon. Gentleman show that this is a question which ought to have been put, in view of the rumours there are abroad that General Haig has resigned or has been dismissed?

No; I think if the hon. Member looks at the question he will see that it is the kind of question which the Government obviously could not at all times answer; and if such a question could not always be answered, it is the kind of question which ought not to be put.