( by Private Notice)
asked the Home Secretary whether the letter from General Maurice appearing in yesterday's "Daily Chronicle" was submitted to the Censor before publication; if so, were any portions of the original letter deleted by the Censor?
This letter was submitted to the Censor before publication, and some words were deleted by him. I may add that I have looked into the matter and am satisfied that the words in question were properly deleted.
May I ask whether the words that were deleted were so deleted because it was considered that they would give information to the enemy or be prejudicial to this country and the Allies, and if it was not upon those grounds, by whose authority were they deleted on any other ground?
The words in question were deleted because they contained a reference to a secret document to which General Maurice had had access by virtue of his official position, and because the words, if published, would, I think, have given a wrong impression of the contents of that document.
May I ask if it in offence against the Defence of the Realm Act—
That is a legal question,, which requires notice.