asked the Undersecretary of State for War whether it is proposed to appoint a Committee of inquiry into the Army medical services in this country and in the Eastern theatres of war, with a view to the better utilisation of the services of medical men in the Royal Army Medical Corps?
The answer is in the negative.
Can the hon. Gentleman give the original terms of reference to this Committee?
No, Sir.
asked the Under secretary of State for War whether the recommendations contained in the Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the medical services in France contained any proposals for the reorganisation of the service with a view to utilising; to the fullest degree medical officers who are at present serving in the Army Medical Corps; and, if so, whether he can now state the reasons for withholding the publication of this Report to Parliament?
I am afraid I can add nothing to the reply which I gave to my hon. and gallant Friend on the 2nd May.
Can the hon. Member; give any indication as to what the recommendations of this Committee were?
I am quite willing to see my hon. and gallant Friend privately, and give him any information I have.
asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether it is intended to raise the pay of the Territorial officer, Royal Army Medical Corps, so as to place him on the same footing as a temporary medical officer?
I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the answer which I gave on the 21st February last to my hon. Friend the Member for the West Derby Division of Liverpool.