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Business Of The House

Volume 106: debated on Thursday 16 May 1918

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May I ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what business will be taken on the day that we reassemble? If he can tell us what business will be taken on the succeeding days in the week it will be for the general convenience?

On the Tuesday it will be Supply—Pensions Vote—and the two subsequent days will be devoted to the Education Bill.

Can the right hon. Gentleman say when the Irish Home Rule Bill will be introduced, and when the Order in Council dealing with Conscription in Ireland will be issued?

I have already answered a question on that subject to-day, saying that I can give no information.

I understand the Pensions Vote is to be taken on the Tuesday. Am I to take it that will be a Supply day purely, and that the Resolution down in the name of the hon. Member for Salford (Sir M. Barlow)— [

"That, in the interests alike of the State and of the wounded and discharged sailors and soldiers and their dependants, and of the widows and orphans of those who have fallen, it is essential that all questions relating to Pensions and Allowances should be kept free from party politics and the influence of party organisations"
]— will not be taken?

Will that Vote be taken if the Minister of Pensions at that time is not a Member of this House, in view of his announced resignation?

Referring to the Irish Home Rule Bill, may we know whether it is the intention really to introduce it, especially in view of the Prime Minister's statement, now about a month ago, that it would be introduced immediately?

If the hon. Member will devote his mind to the subject he will realise that a Bill of this kind is not so easily prepared as one would think. I do-not think that there has been any undue delay.

Ordered, "That the Proceedings on-Consideration of the Lords Amendment to the Defence of the Realm (Food Profits) Bill and on the Motion for the Adjournment of the House (Whitsuntide) have precedence this day of the Business of Supply."—[Mr. Bonar Law.]