asked the Minister of Munitions if the product now being obtained from the distillation of cannel coal at gasworks is of any value as Admiralty fuel; and whether the offer by the Controller of the Munitions Mineral Oil Department of a £2,000 prize to any person who can make a satisfactory mixture of dehydrated coal-tar and petroleum does not indicate that low temperature distillation would be better adapted for the production of liquid fuel from cannel coal?
My hon. Friend has been called away on important business and has asked me to answer this question. It is expected that the product now being obtained from the distillation of cannel coal at gas works will be of considerable value as an Admiralty fuel. The prize offered by the Controller of Munitions Mineral Oil Production Department is for a different purpose altogether, having as its object the utilisation as fuel, in addition to cannel oil, large quantities of tar at present available from gas works not using cannel.
Will my hon. Friend consider the desirability of offering a similar prize for the best method of desulphurising the Dorset and Norfolk shales?
Well, that is obviously a matter that I cannot answer. No doubt my right hon. Friend will consider the desirability of taking this course.