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Volume 106: debated on Thursday 16 May 1918

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asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food if it is intended that the Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918, should apply to the distribution of sweets through the medium of automatic machines; and, if not, whether he will take steps in order that distribution by this method shall be discontinued as long as the restriction Order remains in force?

Existing automatic machines are expressly exempted from the operation of this Order, and, having regard to the extent to which their owners are dependent upon the sale of confectionery, I am not prepared to take the action suggested.


asked if, in order that the object of the Sale of Sweetmeats (Restriction) Order, 1918, may be attained, and the small shopkeeper may be protected, it is the intention to include within the Order those multiple shops which are owned and carried on by whole sale firms and manufacturers of sweets?

The shops referred to will be dealt with under this Order on the same footing as all other shops. Steps are being taken to see that distribution is fairly carried out by the wholesale firms and manufacturers which will prevent these shops from receiving preferential treatment.