asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, having regard to the limited quantity of meat now available for distribution and the accompanying necessity for rationing and to the requirements of an increased supply of hides and skins essential for the manufacture of leather goods, space on the decks of steamers to carry live cattle and sheep from the Argentine as heretofore will be made available; is he aware that, as a result of such deck space being made available and the embargo removed from the importation of cattle and sheep from the Argentine, fresh offal, providing millions of cheap meals, would be obtainable; and, having regard to the present importance of this matter, will he take steps for the removal of the embargo?
It is considered inadvisable to encourage the importation of live cattle and sheep from the Argentine, in view of the fact that the limited freight space available can be more profitably utilised for the transport of other food products.
Is the hon. Member aware of the fact that, after all, the importation of meat requires enormous machinery in the hold of the vessel, whereas this deck space is unoccupied at the present, and for the purposes mentioned in the question might be utilised?
Well, in a general kind of way I am aware of those facts, but I cannot go into the details.
Will the hon. Gentleman convey the information to the Minister?