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asked the Minister of National Service (1) if he is aware of the discontent in the Houghton-le-Spring Division of Durham at the absence of a recruiting office at Hough-ton-le-Spring where information can be obtained, inquiries made, and enlistment and medical examination take place, and thus save much inconvenience and loss which is occasioned by persons having to travel to Sunderland, involving much loss; and if he will see that this want is remedied; and (2) if he is aware that a deputation, representing the Urban District Council of Hetton and the Rural District of Houghton-le-Spring, attended the headquarters of Northern regiments at Newcastle-on-Tyne to confer with the Deputy Director of Recruiting for the purpose of securing the reopening of the recently-closed recruiting office at Houghton-le-Spring, and left under the impression that such office would be reopened and used as the office of the National Service representative; and, if so, what reason prevents this request?
It will be convenient, with the permission of the House, to answer these questions together. The Minister of National Service was aware that the deputation to which my hon. Friend refers had visited the headquarters of the northern region at Newcastle-on-Tyne. The recruiting office at Houghton-le-Spring was closed after very careful consideration with a view to cutting down expense. The Minister of National Service regrets that it is not possible to provide a medical board nearer than. Sunderland, which is only 5½ miles distant.
The deputation was informed of the reasons which necessitated the closing of the Houghton-le-Spring Recruiting Office, but that it was hoped that one room would be retained as the office of the National Service representative. It was subsequently decided that it would be an unjustifiable expense to retain a room for that purpose as the object in view could be obtained by the National Service representative for Houghton-le-Spring continuing to use his own office in that town. The head office of all National Service representatives is now at the tribunal department at the Sunderland area headquarters which, as I have stated, is only 5½miles away.Is it not a fact that it will take a man a day to go to Sunderland and back, notwithstanding the distance of 5½miles pointed out by the hon. Gentleman, as there are several miles to travel to get to the railway station? Am I to gather from the reply that there really will be an office or representative in Houghton-le-Spring of the National Service Ministry?
Yes; at his own house.