asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, as the Ministry of Munitions have now undertaken to keep proper books and furnish balance-sheets, he can undertake that all the other Government Departments which are temporarily carrying on import, productive, or distributive businesses will be made to furnish balance-sheets, giving particulars of their operations, and showing the cost, profit, and loss incurred for the year ending 31st March, 1918, or some other convenient period; and whether he can have these laid before the House in each case as early as possible?
All Government Departments which are temporarily carrying on business of this kind are required by the Treasury to furnish balance-sheets giving information as suggested in the question. The question of publishing an abstract of the information is under consideration.
Is there any objection to laying the results of this trading before the House?
I say it is under consideration—yes, I think there might be many objections.