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Salmon And Sea Trout (Ireland)

Volume 106: debated on Thursday 16 May 1918

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asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) whether he is aware that the Food Controller by Order, dated 30th July, 1917, No. 769, empowered his Department to authorise the taking in Ireland of salmon and sea trout by engines other than single rod or line; whether he will say if such Order was made to apply to tidal or inland waters generally, or to any rivers or lakes, or districts specified in such Order; whether he will state if application to exercise the powers granted under this Order in the tidal waters at Clogher Head was made to his Department, and if permission was granted; and, if not, why it was refused?

The Order referred to gave power to the Department of Agriculture to extend the open season for the capture of salmon and sea trout by engines other than rod or line until such date in the year 1917 as the Department should see fit. Such power was applicable to tidal or inland waters generally, or to any rivers or lakes, or parts of districts. The Dundalk and Drogheda districts meet at Clogher Head. Orders were made by the Department extending the open season for netting salmon and trout in tidal waters to the 24th August, 1917, in the part of the Dundalk district immediately north of Clogher Head and in the tidal waters of the River Boyne. No application for extension in special relation to Clogher Head was received.