asked the Pensions Minister what arrangements have been arrived at in conjunction with the Welsh National Memorial Association for the treatment and training of discharged soldiers who are suffering from tuberculosis; and what steps he proposes to take to expedite the provision of treatment for discharged men suffering from tuberculosis in Wales and Monmouthshire?
As explained in my answers to the hon. Member on the 28th November, 1917, and the 5th March, 1918. the responsibility for the treatment of discharged disabled men suffering from tuberculosis rests primarily with the Insurance Commissioners and Insurance Committees under the National Health Insurance Acts. No special arrangements have been made with the Welsh National Memorial Association other than arrangements for payment in cases of advanced tuberculosis, accommodated in existing sanatoria In view of the fact that the Welsh National Memorial Association have recently been able to make provision for cases from England, there would not appear to be any difficulty in securing accommodation for discharged men in Wales. If evidence of such difficulty is brought to my notice, I shall be glad to make representations to the proper quarter.