asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what was the average annual revenue derived from Palestine before the War; and what is the cost of British administration: in that country to-day?
As the pre-war Turkish Budgets do not show separately the revenues derived from all the administrative areas, it is not possible to state what was the average pre-war revenue for Palestine. The estimated collection for the Jerusalem Sanjak in 1911–12 was £ (Turkish) 312,452, but the amount estimated invariably exceeded considerably the amount collected. Our estimated expenditure for the year 1918–19 for the administrative district known as occupied enemy territory south, which is coterminous with the former Turkish Sanjaks of Jerusalem, Nablus and Acre, is £ (Egyptian) 738,649. Estimated receipts for the same period are £ (Egyptian) 661,813.
Can the right hon. Gentleman say when it will be decided who is to be the mandatory Power for Palestine?
That hardly arises out of this question.