asked the Secretary of State for War if, in connection with the recent fighting on the North-West Frontier of India, he is aware that a battalion of an Indian regiment, partly British officered and forming portion of the Wazir force on active service at Jandola, in the heart of the Mashud country, was during the abnormal heat there in the month of July, 1921, promised, as a protection from the sun, Afghan huts which had been lying at Lahore since 1919; that the huts were brought in sections to Jandola; that head-quarters at Simla issued an order that the Wazir force must pay for these huts, and as the latter force had not the necessary funds to pay for them the battalion was not allowed to erect them, and the huts lay in sections at Jandola throughout the hot season; that an order was subsequently issued from Simla that pith helmets were to be worn by the troops in the tents; that there was at the time a cholera epidemic raging at Jandola which resulted in many deaths among the troops of the battalion; and whether any inquire has been, or will be, made into this matter?
I have no information on the subject, but will inquire from the Government of India.