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Scarlet Fever And Diphtheria (London)

Volume 148: debated on Wednesday 9 November 1921

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asked the Minister of Health whether his attention has been called to the increase of scarlet fever and diphtheria cases in London; whether his Department has taken any action in order to control the spread of these diseases; if so, will he state in what way; can he state the number of cases now under treatment in hospitals; and if there is a sufficient number of hospital places for all sufferers if the epidemics spread further?

The answer to tae first part of the question is in the affirmative. The answer to the second part is that I have appointed a special Office Committee with medical representation of the London County Council and the Metropolitan Asylums Board. There are at present 6,192 cases of scarlet fever and 2,996 cases of diphtheria under treatment in the hospitals of the Metropolitan Asylums Board. The Board's accommodation is limited to approximately 9,500 beds, but it is hoped that the arrangements which have now been made will meet the needs of the situation.