asked the Minister of Transport whether his attention has been called to the fact that the Midland Railway Company are abolishing the system of zone tickets, which has been in operation in the Sheffield district for many years past; and whether he will use his endeavours to induce the railway compay to cancel their present proposals?
My attention has already been called to this matter. I am informed that the "zone" tickets in question were issued at such low rates as to be unremunerative, and for this reason were abolished by the company on the 31st October last. I understand, however, that the season tickets rates now in force in the Sheffield district are on a considerably lower basis than those in operation for similar distances generally on the Midland system. The company are under no statutory obligation to continue the issue of either zone or season tickets, and I regret that I am unable to interfere with their discretion in the matter. I would, however, remind the hon. Member of the provisions of the Railways Act, 1921, under which the public have secured to them an opportunity of bringing cases in which they think railway charges are excessive to the determination of the Rates Tribunal.