asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether provision will be made to secure for all service-trained engine-room artificers, i.e., ex-engine-room artificer apprentices who are discharged on reduction, a certificate which shall be equal to an indenture of apprenticeship, so as to give them a fair chance to obtain employment on shore?
A trade certificate, giving the nature of the training, qualifications at mined, and the length of service, is issued to engine-room artificers on discharge, and this should meet all requirements.
Will the Admiralty negotiate with the trade unions so as to make sure that such a certificate will be accepted by them as full qualification for membership of a trade union?
I will consider that.
Will the right hon. Gentleman remember the difficulties which have existed as regards ex-soldiers and sailors in relation to trade unions, and will he, in view of that;, negotiate the arrangement I have suggested?
Certainly, I will bear that in mind.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether the Admiralty will consider the advisability, in view of their discharge under the reduction scheme, to include the certificate allowances in the substantive pay of chief and engine-room artificers as a basis for assessing gratuities?
The gratuities are calculated on substantive pay in all cases, without regard to non-substantive pay or allowances, and no reason is seen for making an exception in favour of one branch of the Service.