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Telegraph Money

Volume 155: debated on Monday 19 June 1922

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Resolution reported,

"That it is expedient to authorise the issue out of the Consolidated Fund of such sums, not exceeding in the whole fifteen million pounds., as are required for the further development of the telephonic system and to authorise the Treasury to borrow money, by means of terminable annuities or by the issue of Exchequer Bonds, for the issue of such sums or the repayment thereof to the Consolidated Fund; and to provide for the payment of the terminable annuities or of the principal of and interest on any such Exchequer Bonds out of moneys provided by Parliament for Post Office services or, if those moneys are insufficient, out of the Consolidated Fund."

Resolution read a Second time.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House doth agree with the Committee in the said Resolution."

In the "Glasgow Evening News" attention is called to the fact that during the War the Admiralty erected a trunk line for its own use between Inverness and Fort William. I want to ask what is proposed to be done with this cable which has been laid. Is it going to be allowed to fall into disuse, or is it going to be applied?

I have some knowledge of this matter. It is a complicated question, and if my hon. Friend will allow me, I will make an explanation on the Second Reading of the Bill.

Question put, and agreed to.

Bill ordered to be brought in upon the said Resolution by Mr. Kellaway, Mr. Pike Pease, and Mr. Hilton Young.