asked the President of the Board of Trade the quantity of fabric gloves imported from Germany and. Japan, respectively, in the years 1913, 1920, and 1921?
With the hon. Member's permission, I will have the figures circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT.
Following are the figures:
The following statement shows the quantity of gloves of textile materials imported into the United Kingdom, consigned from Germany and Japan respectively in the years 1913, 1920, and 1921 so far as particulars are available:
taken, why was this precaution omitted; and, in future, will the Board of Trade see that, in the sale of public stores, tenders are always taken prior to any sale being effected?
No tenders were taken for this timber, which had been on offer for many months without success. Sale by tender is only advisable when specifications can be guaranteed, which is impossible in the case of these stocks.