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Enemy Action (Claims)

Volume 155: debated on Monday 19 June 1922

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asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the case of Mr. F. M. Richardson, ex-chief officer of ss. "Diomed," who on 21st August, 1915, received terrible injuries from shell-fire from a German submarine, which sank that vessel, and who was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his courageous devotion to duty and his efforts to save his ship; whether he is aware that owing to these injuries Mr. F. M. Richardson is now totally incapacitated from following his employment, and would, but for his disablement, be now on turn for command at a salary of £1,000 a year; whether the pension of £290 a year awarded to Mr. Richardson under the war-risks scheme has recently been reduced to £192 10s., on the alleged ground that his earning capacity is not totally destroyed; and whether in view of all the circumstances, the Board will restore to him his full disablement allowance?


asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that Engineer Thomas Edward Lunt, of the ss. "Sagamore," which was torpedoed on 3rd March, 1917, off the Irish coast, was exposed for 10 days and 11 nights, in consequence of which both feet had to be amputated; that Mr. Lunt was awarded a pension of £250; that this is now reduced to £139, although Mr. Lunt has a wife and five children under 14 years of age; and will he inquire if the original award can be restored, as Mr. Lunt is permanently incapacitated from following his profession?

In view of the circumstances of these cases, I have given instructions that both officers shall be reexamined by medical boards.