asked the President of the Board of Trade what are the comparative figures for the fortnight ending 7th June of the export of coal, pig-iron, manufactured articles of machinery of all kinds, and of piece goods, and the corresponding figures for the same periods in 1921, 1920, and 1914?
Particulars of exports from the United Kingdom are not available for periods of a fortnight. The figures are made up for periods of one month, and those for the month of May, 1922, 1921, and 1920, are published in the accounts relating to trade and navigation of the United Kingdom for May, 1922, while those for May, 1914, appear in the issue of the accounts for that month. These publications are available in the Library; but if my hon. and gallant Friend would care for such assistance as the Board's Statistical Department might be able to give, perhaps he would call at the offices of the Board in Great George Street.