asked the Prime Minister whether the hon. Member for the Bridgeton Division of Glasgow (Mr. MacCallum Scott) is now discharging the duties formerly performed by the Chancellor of the Duchy a Lancaster and, if so, when he will be appointed to the Junior Lordship of the Treasury, which Las been vacant since 6th April?
My hon. Friend the Member for the Bridgeton Division of Glasgow has been appointed an Official Whip (unpaid). The Junior Lordship of the Treasury has not yet been filled.
Is that because the right hon. Gentleman fears the verdict of the electors?
Does my right hon. Friend mean by his reply that in the selection of the hon. Member for the Bridgeton Division to the position to which he has been appointed, the Government are going to appoint an extra Junior Lord of the Treasury?
No; I meant exactly what I said. I have given the House all the information in my possession.
Does that mean then, that there still is vacant in the Government a Junior Lordship of the Treasury?
Yes, Sir.
Is not that depriving Scotland of representation in the Treasury?