asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer by how much per cent. the British Beer Duty has increased since 1913, and by how much per cent. the Beer Duty has been increased or reduced in Germany during the same period?
The duty on British beer has been increased by 1,190 per cent. since 1913. As regards the German tax, the basis of charge was altered in 1918 and has since been levied on the beer itself instead of on malt. This makes it impossible to state with precision the percentage increase in the duty since 1913. In any ease, in view of the variations in the exchange value and the purchasing power of the mark a calculation of the percentage increase would be meaningless.
Is it not the case that, while the tax on beer in this country has increased over a thousand per cent., that the tax on beer in Germany has actually been reduced?
The hon. Gentleman had better put that question down.