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Republican Courts

Volume 155: debated on Thursday 22 June 1922

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asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been drawn to a Provisional Government Order, dated 31st April, 1922, addressed to all Dail court officials and providing that injunctions restraining proceedings in ex-enemy courts, i.e., His Majesty's High Court, will not in future be issued except on the authority of the full Supreme Court of Dail Eireann, i.e., republican court; whether the judges of these Dail courts are paid by the Provisional Government; and whether, in view of the Order referred to, the Provisional Government takes responsibility for these republican courts?

I am informed that no such order has been issued by the Provisional Government. The judges and officials of the so-called republican courts are not paid or controlled by them, but form part of the Dail Eireann organisation which existed before the Treaty. As regards the remainder of the question, I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to the reply I gave him on Wednesday of last week.

Does the right hon. Gentleman know that there is such an Order, a copy of which I have in my hand, and which, if he will allow me, I will hand on to him?

I am informed that it has not been issued by the Provisional Government, and I shall be glad to have any information which contradicts that statement.

It was handed by an official of the Provisional Government to the Gentleman who gave it to me.