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Gas Mantles (German Witnesses)

Volume 155: debated on Thursday 22 June 1922

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asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he can give the names of any German manufacturers of gas mantles, or representatives of the same, who have been permitted to tender evidence or to make statements at the hearing of the British gas mantle manufacturers' application, under Part II of the Safeguarding of Industries Act; and whether any facilities for their attendance at the hearing of such application w ere afforded to them by the Board of Trade?

I am informed that the Committee, at the suggestion of the interests opposing the application referred to, decided to hear evidence from Herr Heinrich Ziegler, one of the managing-directors of the Auerlicht Gesellschaft of Berlin, and from Herr Bernhard Young, manager of the mantle factory of that company. No special facilities were granted for the attendance of these persons, but the Board of Trade suggested to the Home Office that, in the event of there being no objection to the witnesses in question being admitted to this country, it would be convenient if the necessary permits could be issued without delay.